Yoga for everyone with a focus on physical and mental well-being. Ignite your internal flame.
I came to yoga from a physical place - I wanted those lovely lean yogi legs. But as soon as I started practising, I discovered it was so much more. I love the grounding effect of the breathing, the emphasis on being present, not worrying about the future or past, and on being kind to yourself - ahimsa.
Yoga is a moving meditation, connecting the breath with movement. My classes generally begin with some breath work before warming and waking up the body; we then delve into heat generating salutations and sequences designed to build physical and mental strength. Once our muscles are warm, we release into some deep stretches to slow down the mind and aid flexibility. These classes are designed to keep you strong, happy, healthy and injury free. Whether you're looking to address postural issues caused by sitting at a desk, to support athletic training like running or cycling, or for some time just for you to look inwards, you can find it in this class.
Group Classes
Monday 12:00 - 1:00pm*
Thursday 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Saltdean Lido
£12 for a drop in class or message me to enquire about a block.
* for Saltdean Lido members.